TeacherEase is committed to complying with U.S. copyright and related laws, and
requires all customers and users of TeacherEase ("the Service") to comply with these
laws. Accordingly, you may not share or disseminate any material or content over
the Service (or any part of the Service) in any manner that constitutes an infringement
of third party intellectual property rights, including rights granted by U.S. copyright
law. TeacherEase enables copyright owners to communicate information about alleged
infringements to us, and for us to inform our customers about them as described
below, and also complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 ("the
DMCA"). You may receive a notice if your Service account is identified by a copyright
owner as having been used in connection with acts of alleged copyright infringement.
Owners of copyrighted works who believe that their rights under U.S. copyright law
have been infringed may take advantage of the DMCA to report
alleged infringements. It is TeacherEase's policy in accordance with the DMCA and
other applicable laws to remove allegedly infringing content,
and to reserve the right to terminate the Service provided to
any subscriber, customer or user who is either found to infringe third party copyright
or other intellectual property rights, including repeat infringers, or who TeacherEase,
in its sole discretion, believes is infringing these rights. TeacherEase may terminate
the Service at any time with or without notice for any affected customer or user.
Copyright owners may report alleged infringements of their works that are stored
on the Service by sending TeacherEase's authorized agent a notification of claimed
infringement that satisfies the requirements of the DMCA. Upon TeacherEase's receipt
of a satisfactory notice of claimed infringement for these works, TeacherEase will
respond expeditiously to either directly or indirectly (i) remove the allegedly
infringing work(s) stored on the Service or (ii) disable access to the work(s).
TeacherEase will also notify the affected subscriber, customer or user of the Service
of the removal or disabling of access to the work(s).
Copyright owners may send TeacherEase a notification of claimed infringement to
report alleged infringements of their works under the DMCA to:
DMCA AGENT Common Goal Systems P.O. Box 392 Lake Forest, IL 60045
Phone: 630-592-4200 x2 Fax: 630-566-4202 Email: [email protected]
Under the DMCA, anyone who knowingly makes misrepresentations regarding alleged
copyright infringement may be liable to TeacherEase, the alleged infringer, and
the affected copyright owner for any damages incurred in connection with the removal,
blocking, or replacement of allegedly infringing material.
If you receive a DMCA notification of alleged infringement as described above, and
you believe in good faith that the allegedly infringing works have been removed
or blocked by mistake or misidentification, then you may send a counter notification
to TeacherEase. Upon receipt of a counter notification that satisfies the requirements
of the DMCA, TeacherEase will provide a copy of the counter notification to the
person who sent the original notification of claimed infringement and will follow
the DMCA's procedures with respect to a received counter notification. In all events,
you expressly agree that TeacherEase will not be a party to any disputes or lawsuits
regarding alleged copyright infringement.
If a notification of claimed infringement has been filed against you, you can file
a counter notification with TeacherEase's designated agent using the contact information
shown above. All counter notifications must satisfy the requirements of Section
512(g)(3) of the U.S. Copyright Act.