ISBE Attendance Reporting: Create Calendar History from Daily Attendance (Illinois Only)
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) requires schools to report student attendance in three categories: in-person, remote, and e-learning. As reported in a previous article, SchoolInsight uses calendar codes and student calendar histories to determine a student’s present category. This allows schools to report attendance to the state properly.
In the scramble around covid-19, a small number of school districts created new attendance codes, instead of using calendars to track whether students were in-person or remote/e-learning. While it worked at the moment, this approach is not compatible with the state reporting tools.
To help these customers, we created a mass edit page to convert daily attendance into calendar histories.
Some setup is required before the data can be converted. Remote/e-learning codes (XRLD, XELD, etc.) must be added to at least one calendar for days with remote/e-learning attendance. More information on calendar codes is available in this knowledge base article.
Additionally, any remote/e-learning attendance codes must be marked inactive. Attendance entries using these codes will be assigned a new code during the conversion.
With the foundation in place, navigate to Options > Convert Daily Attendance Codes. Select a remote/e-learning attendance code to convert and assign the appropriate calendar and attendance codes.

Any attendance entries with the selected code will be updated, and an appropriate calendar added to the student’s history. A preview allows you to review any changes.

Once complete, a full calendar history is available for each student.

We wrote a knowledge base article to walk you through the entire process.
Knowledge Base: Convert Daily Attendance Codes
As a reminder, if you ever have questions about handling new or unique workflows, please reach out to our technical services team. Using the software as designed ensures the best possible experience.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,
The Common Goal Team