SchoolInsight Financials Update: First Payroll Run Completed



As the year winds down, we wanted to publish an update on SchoolInsight Financials. It’s been under steady development since late 2018, with half of our development team dedicated to the effort.  Last week we reached a milestone, and were able to successfully complete our first payroll run at a beta customer. Every amount matched those generated by STI/Chalkable, and we now believe our calculation algorithms are complete and correct.  That means every employee, every payroll item, every subtotal, every vendor payment, etc. were all correct.


We’re pretty excited about this accomplishment.  We’ve been working for a long time, and think we’ve cleared the last “big” technical hurdle.  While we still have many minor issues to address (which is normal for any new product), we see a clear path to delivering a good release in a timeframe that meets customers’ needs.


The next step is running payroll at our other beta customers (about a half dozen of them) and then moving onto wider release. We’ll continue to make improvements based on feedback from each new customer.  


Given the inflexible timeline of STI/Chalkable customers, we’re giving them priority.  Once they’ve all been started successfully, we’ll work with any interested customers from SDS and other systems. 


To speed this process, we wrote click-by-click instructions to export STI data files, and imports to consume them.  We can pull in most configuration settings and transaction data with little human intervention. This will streamline the implementation process, and make it easy for new customers to get started. We plan to support other systems as well. 


If you haven’t seen a demonstration of SchoolInsight Financials, feel free to reach out to your account rep. There is a lot of anxiety surrounding the STI/Chalkable sunset, so we’ve been “making the rounds.”  We're happy to show our product to anyone who’s interested, and help them feel comfortable. Our meetings have been positive, and we appreciate the continued support of customers. 


We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday break.





The Common Goal Team