Online Registration Released to Parent iOS App
Following up on our previous News Article, we added Online Registration to the Parent iOS app. Parents can now complete Online Registration using the app, in addition to the website. Apps require an update to get the new functionality, so please encourage parents to download the latest version.
TeacherEase iOS App for Parents/Students
We made a video to walk you through the update.
Once updated, parents can access Online Registration from More > Online Registration.

iOS provides tools that make the parent experience superior to using the web version alone. For example, it supports a “Markup tool” so users can draw on attachments with a virtual pencil. Parents can download attachments to their phone, sign them, and upload the modified documents. This can all be done without printing, scanning, or taking photos.

The iOS app also supports using the camera to take photos of documents, and upload them. We think parents will use this feature for state mandated forms that require a doctor’s signature (and can’t be handled inside the iOS digital environment).

The latest iOS app is missing payment functionality. Currently parents need to use the web version to pay online (or provide offline payment).
We have not yet added this new functionality to our Android app. Our current plan is to build it for next year’s registration season.
We hope you like the new functionality, and that it makes online registration better.
The Common Goal Team