File Upload Added to Online Registration
We’re excited to announce upcoming changes to the Online Registration module. We’ve made a lot of progress this year and hope the updates make it easier for schools to capture the data they need.
Some high-level features include parents uploading documents, upgraded admin management tools, improved registration forms with digital signatures, and online registration support in the parent iOS app.
The first version was released to production and includes file upload and improved forms. The rest will come soon.
The Online Registration module will stay in beta for the upcoming academic year, and will be provided to customers at no cost. Even with this batch of improvements, we don’t think it’s mature enough for a subscription fee yet. When we mostly complete our anticipated enhancements, we’ll make it a “regular” module. In the meantime, enjoy!
To help you get started, we made a video overview of the changes.
File Upload by Parent/Guardians
Last year’s version of Online Registration had limited support for digital documents (PDF, DOCX, and other files). Parents could download, print, complete, and physically return them to school. A big upgrade this year allows parents to turn in documents electronically. After completing documents, parents can upload files directly into our system (after they scan or take photos).
For example, file upload can be used to collect address verification documentation. In most public schools, parents must prove they live within the district’s boundaries. This is typically done by providing a current utility bill, bank statement, lease, or similar document. The example below shows the new “file upload” field collecting this information on the “Student Information” form.

For our public school district customers, we proactively modified their existing Online Registration process to add an “Address Verification” field to accept file uploads. It’s on the “Student Information” form just below the “Home Address” field. For customers who haven’t already started registration (or are about to), we’d encourage you to check it out.
Schools often need to collect state mandated forms completed by parents. The upload UI can present parents with empty documents to download, and ask them to upload completed files. Here’s an example with the IL state health form.

For parents lacking the ability to upload documents, they can indicate the intention to bring in documents physically.
When capturing sensitive health information (e.g. vaccination records), we’ve integrated with the health records module to make data more secure. File uploads configured as “Sensitive Health Information” will be viewable only by admins with health records permissions. These files are available in the health records module.

Improved Online Forms
While file upload is a good improvement to the existing product, there are situations where it’s not the best solution. For instance, not all parents have printers. Many PDF documents don’t render well on small devices, and parents can have trouble filling them out digitally. In cases where completing the original form isn’t necessary, we think our improved online forms provide a better solution. Examples would be requests for permission to access the Internet, permission to include student photos in the yearbook/newsletter, etc.
Our hope is for customers to turn these simple PDFs into online forms inside our system. Parents can access the content, fill out requested data, and sign digitally. The content scales down gracefully, and renders well on phones. Parents don’t need to leave TeacherEase. Input data is automatically captured inside the system, allowing easy management by admins. No printing or external document handling is required.
The feature we specifically added is the ability to add rich “Text Blocks” to forms. This provides customers with more flexibility when designing forms and improves visual layout. For example, here’s an example of an “Internet Access” form inside Online Registration:

We’re also working on improving digital signatures to better support this workflow. This will be released soon.
Autosave and Status Handling
We made it easier to enter data by adding autosave. As parents enter data, they no longer need to click “Save” at the bottom of each form. We also track form status automatically. Once parents complete all required fields on a form, we mark the form complete. This makes it easier for parents to provide all the data, and not miss anything.

Other Thoughts
To help customers use the latest version of Online Registration, we updated our KnowledgeBase (KB) articles. Feel free to peruse them.
How do I create and edit online registration forms?
How do I manage online registration?
(For Parents) How do I Upload Files for Online Registration?
This season’s online registration functionality will be released in several portions, look for them in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the news page for updates.
The Common Goal Team