Contact: Chris Gauldin
866-847-3405 x110
[email protected]
For Immediate release
February 2015 Product Release
Common Goal Systems, a leading developer of cloud-based software for schools, announces several enhancements to TeacherEase and SchoolInsight. TeacherEase is software for the digital classroom and SchoolInsight is a comprehensive student information system.
The new functionality includes:
Standards-based Grading Letter Grade Conversion. Overall Standards-based grades can now be converted to an A, B, C (or any letter grade) for report cards. Converted letter grades can be used for GPA, Honor Roll, etc.
To set up, contact Technical Services.
Standards-based Grading Eligibility. Eligibility now supports Standards-based grades in addition to traditional grades.
Admin Main > Reports > Gradebook - Eligibility
Instructor Main > Gradebook Reports > Check Eligibility
Sorted Standards-based Student Performance. To better support differentiation, customers want the ability to dynamically group students based upon current standards-based scores. This newly implemented report works across many sections of a course -- which is especially useful in a team teaching environment where teachers would like to exchange students to from better groups.
Admin Main > Reports > Sorted Student Performance
Instructor Main > Gradebook Reports > Check Eligibility
District Site/Grade Summary (OK Only). Some auditors wanted our customer to provide a district-wide summary of the Site/Grade Summary report (instead of just site-by-site data). The new report can now be accessed at the district level, run for all sites at once, and includes both individual site breakdown and district summary.
- Common Goal Systems, Inc Press Release, 8/1/2014