Contact: Chris Gauldin
866-847-3405 x110
[email protected]

For Immediate release

August 2014 Product Release

Common Goal Systems, a leading developer of cloud-based software for schools, announces several enhancements to TeacherEase and SchoolInsight. TeacherEase is software for the digital classroom and SchoolInsight is a comprehensive student information system.

The new functionality includes:

Calculating Standards-Based Grades. New modes have been added for calculating standards-based grades. Grades can now be calculated from the Median of Recent Scores, an Average of Recent Scores, or using the Power Law, as described by Dr. Robert Marzano.

Admin Main > Grading Scales

Overall Standards-Based Grades. Students are now able to receive an overall standards-based grade for their classes. The student’s performance on the individual standards “rolls up” into an overall grade.

Instructor Main > Standards-based Scores

Standards-Based Scores. The Standards Summary page has been converted into Standards-based Scores. Teachers can now enter their grades directly on the page much like Scores/Comments.

Instructor Main > Standards-based Scores

Consolidated Grading Scales. Schools that use both traditional and standards-based grading scales can now see both scales from the same page. Grading scales and options can be specified at the district, school or instructor level, giving districts fine control over standards-based grading adoption.

    Admin Main > Grading Scales

Parent Standards-Based Scores and Reports. Improvements to the parents’ ability to view standards-based grades are in the works and will be available in an upcoming release.

ISBE Web Service Integration (IL Only).  Districts can now submit ISBE-SIS files directly from SchoolInsight. No need to download and submit files manually using IWAS anymore. Track file submissions right in SchoolInsight and get notified once ISBE processes the files.

SDAdmin Main > Import/Export > ISBE Files

School Standards. Districts can now control the standards available to schools and instructors.

    SDAdmin Main > Standards/Planning > Standards


- Common Goal Systems, Inc Press Release, 8/1/2014